Sat June 18, 2022 is the Diesel Components Warehouse Duck Waddle 5K
Packet Pick Up race morning June 18th from 6:45am to 7:45 at race site Finley River Park, 1 North River Side Rd
Ozark, MO US 65721
Start & finish at the beautiful Ozark City Park on the Finley River in Ozark. Run a scenic, flat, 5K. Stay for awards and prizes. Entry fee includes Duck Ticket pancake breakfast provided by Village Inn, T-shirt. Awards top finisher in each age group and overall male and female.
Finisher medal to all runners.
Pre registered runners will receive a Duck Race entry (10.00 value) and will be entered into the Duck Race and have a chance to win one of 40,000.00 in prizes including the new 2022 Chevy vehicle. Yes… you will have a yellow duck floating down The Finley River. This is only for pre registered runners up to June 7th
Race starts at 8am with pancake breakfast to follow this is a free event for all runners.
T-shirt Finisher medal age group awards
5k 1-7 8-10 11-14 15-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80 +
1 mile is just a fun run runners will receive a finisher medal
To guarantee shirt sizes please register before June 7th
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